Alchemy for Women

Certified in Trauma & Mindfulness

Are you ready to take the next step on your healing journey? I offer both individual and group coaching experiences for women. 

If you feel that you need more focused attention an individual coaching session will provide you with  personalized support tailored to your unique needs. I will meet you exactly where you are, and together, we’ll navigate the path towards healing and empowerment.


I am a seasoned trauma and mindfulness coach dedicated to guiding women from all around the world on their journey of healing. As a survivor of domestic violence myself, I understand the complexities of the healing process. As Founder of Rebel Thriver, a nonprofit committed to supporting survivors of domestic violence and abuse, my expertise lies as a guide for women as they work on overcoming the aftermath of abuse, empowering them to embrace a life free from constraints and filled with hope for a brighter future.


* As a survivor of domestic violence myself, I cannot use my image out of an abundance of safety for myself and my family. The illustration I use for my icon is by the talented artist, Elizabeth Mayville. 

Group Coaching Programs for 2024

June & September Sessions
Bloom is a transformative coaching program designed to guide women on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and empowerment. Through reflective exercises, group discussions, and live coaching sessions, participants explore various aspects of their lives to overcome challenges, embrace opportunities, and create positive change. The program offers a safe and supportive environment for women to reconnect with themselves, discover their strengths, and Bloom.   

July & October Sessions
I invite you to join me on a journey of healing, self-discovery, and gentle resistance. Together, we’ll explore ways to reconnect with our younger selves and tap back into the unbridled energy of our true, untamed spirits. This journey is about awakening, empowering, and reclaiming what has been rejected, silenced, or forgotten. It’s our act of resistance – a way to recover and remember what has been taken from us. This will be the beginning of a transformational journey on your path to healing.

Things I know about healing: When you want to run, stay.
When you want to hide, open up. When you think you’re done, go a little further.


Feeling adrift in a sea of emotions, as if life is slowly ‘unraveling’? It takes immense courage to seek help and unravel the threads of your own story. Our early life experiences shape the lens through which we view ourselves and the world, sometimes leading to negative beliefs that persist over time. These beliefs, while once protective, can then become obsolete and disrupt various aspects of our lives. Life is too precious to surrender to unhealthy relationships or let trauma dictate our path, leaving us in a perpetual state of anxiety, depression, or anger.

You deserve a life that sparks excitement each morning. My mission is to help you break free from emotional pain and discover meaning and purpose in every facet of your existence. Together, we’ll unravel old patterns and explore unconscious limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. My aim is to cultivate a safe space where you can express yourself without judgment or fear.

When you’re ready to embark on the journey towards the life you desire, I’m here as a guide. It would be an honor to accompany you on this sometimes bumpy path of healing, providing the support you need.

Create a roadmap forward to find your true north…

Navigating the journey of healing and empowerment is deeply personal and multifaceted. As a guide on a new and transformative path, I understand the complexities and nuances involved in each woman’s unique experience. Healing is not a linear process; it is often a long journey marked by ups and downs, breakthroughs, and setbacks. My role is to provide a safe and nurturing space for women to explore their inner landscape, confront their wounds, and cultivate resilience. Drawing from the wisdom of the divine feminine, we honor the intuitive, nurturing aspects within each woman, fostering a deeper connection with her innate wisdom and strength.

Through deep listening, supportive guidance, and evidence-based practices, I empower women to tap into their inner strength and wisdom. Empowerment goes hand in hand with healing. It’s about reclaiming agency over one’s life, setting boundaries, and stepping into one’s authentic power. Together, we honor the sacred feminine within, embracing qualities of intuition, compassion, and creativity to facilitate transformation.

Some areas we can focus on:

Understand and leverage your strengths,      passions, and values to create a fulfilling life

Overcome self-limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving your goals

Develop a clear vision and actionable plan for your life, aligned with your values and aspirations

Create a roadmap towards your goals and stay accountable throughout the journey

Build self-confidence and self-esteem, and learn to communicate effectively with others

Develop coping strategies to manage traumatic triggers and move beyond past traumas

Learn stress and anxiety management techniques to improve your overall well-being

Cultivate a growth mindset, embrace challenges and become resilient in the face of adversity

Enhance your leadership skills, whether in your personal or professional life

Foster a positive mindset and outlook on life, and live with greater purpose and meaning

I work closely with women to identify any self limiting beliefs, challenge societal norms, and cultivate self-love and self-compassion. Together, we will  identify & dismantle internalized oppression and cultivate a sense of liberation and sovereignty.

On this path, there are no quick fixes or one-size-fits-all solutions. Each woman’s journey is as unique as she is, and my approach is deeply personalized to honor and respect her individuality. We can work together with various  somatic experiences, mindfulness and meditative practices, narrative therapy,  creative expression, or a combination of these, I tailor my methods to meet the specific needs and preferences of each woman.

As a guide, I walk alongside women as they navigate the complexities of their healing journey, offering unwavering support, encouragement, and empowerment every step of the way. Together, we co-create a roadmap for transformation, rooted in authenticity, resilience, and self-discovery. My mission is to empower women to not only survive, but to thrive, embodying the fullness of their divine feminine essence.

Women are talking…

“Ella has been an amazing support for 8 years. I was in a very dangerous marriage and she was the one who turned on the light that turned my path to freedom. I believe she is the most caring, loving, strong person I know. If it hadn’t been for her my children and I would probably be dead today. She has been with me through my darkest times and happiest moments. She continues to help so many people and be an encourager to all that everyone deserves to thrive. She shows this because despite all of her struggles she keeps rising and is showing others that it can be done as she lives her truth.” – Kyli

Ella’s words have meant so much to me that I can only say Thank You for what she does and the goodness that she shares with me and others.” – Fern

“The transition from being married – to realizing that I was married to someone who was hurting me – to untangling from that relationship – to standing in my own life has been a challenging journey. Ella was always there – telling me that I was worth something – and that IS everything. What you do is empower others with your honesty and your consistent and ongoing regard. That is a gift beyond measure. I saved me because you said I could do it when I didn’t feel like I could. Deep bow. Thank you Ella. Thank you so much.” – Kim

“You are my light. My firefly that lights my soul and my path numerous times of every day. You’ve brought me out of the darkness my mind retreats into since the death of my daughter more times than I can even tell you. I cannot express my gratitude for you properly.” – Melia

“From the moment I met Ella I knew that she was the person to help me find my way back to me. She has been a constant support and a guiding light for me and with her help I have created a healthy beautiful life. Ella understands where I was coming from because she herself has her own story of redemption. If she can do it then so can I. She is a great coach if you are ready for growth.” – Jessie

“Ella has a way of reaching out to people at the most difficult times and giving hope and encouragement with absolutely no judgement. Her radical kindness has lifted me up at some of my most dark hours. I thank God daily for giving us an ELLA. ” – Norma

A few posts from the blog

Lay it Down

Woman, lay your burden down. It is not yours to carry. Lay it down. I see that you are tired. Stop trying to justify it all. You are beautiful just as you are. Lay it down.  -E. H.

It Did Not Ruin Her

Never allow your loyalty to become slavery. You only live once.  – Unknown


I must change and let go of the old ways to make room for the new. The time is now. I am rising. I am a revolutionary. – E.H.